Q1 2024: It's the Nakamoto Edition

Reflecting on an incredible Q1 in the Stacks ecosystem as Nakamoto begins rolling out

Q4 2023:Can’t miss in this edition:

  • Earlier today, the Nakamoto upgrade began rolling out! 🟧

  • Leading voices, VC, and media have all written about Stacks this quarter, offering compelling insights on Bitcoin L2s and more.

  • The Stacks network achieved several new usage highs in Q1.

  • Builders are on a roll, fundraising, partnering, and building new use cases that will bring billions to Bitcoin.

Happy Naka●monday, Stackers!

If you’re reading this, now is your sign to take a moment to celebrate the official start of the Nakamoto upgrade rollout. Earlier today, the first of two hard forks went live thanks to miners, node operators, exchanges, Signers, and more. This means there’s only one step (Activation) left before Nakamoto’s fast blocks, Bitcoin finality, and other improvements are available to everyone!

Let’s pause for a minute and give a major 👏👏 to the Core Developers who have worked tirelessly toward this milestone. Nakamoto represents years of vision and hard work and sets the stage for an even more exciting future for the Bitcoin economy.

Chances are, you’re sensing and seeing the growing buzz around Stacks. Layered launch plans have been in full effect as we ramp up events, press, speaking engagements, partnership announcements, team and builder highlights, and developer education.

The TL;DR: The leading Bitcoin L2 is getting better for builders.

Take action // Keep the naka·mojo:

The Stacks ecosystem continues to lead the broader conversation around Bitcoin L2s and the Bitcoin economy and that means April and May are exciting opportunities to grow the community. Here are a few things you can do to help welcome newcomers to the world of Stacks:

  • Like, RT, and share content and stories (use #nakamoto on X)

  • Join an event near you, there are 50+!

  • Get on the list for the Mojo mint, a special PFP collection to celebrate Nakamoto.

There’s more:

As exciting as all of this is, Nakamoto is far from the only thing going on in the ecosystem. This newsletter is your one-stop shop for catching up on everything you may have missed the past few months or a hearty welcome to the community if you’re new here.

Keep the Naka•mojo, Stackers!

Mitchell & the Stacks Foundation Team

More about the Nakamoto release in the freshly updated Nakamoto Docs.

🟧 Nakamojo (Launch Reads)

Find Nakamoto press from all the top publications in this newsletter and indexed here.

👀 Stacks Commentary & Reports

VCs and Investors on Stacks, Bitcoin

📊 Stacks Stats

👀 for more Stacks data? Check out our friends at Ortege and Signal21.

DeFillama reports highest TVL ever for Stacks (and that doesn’t include the over $1b locked for Stacking!)

Source: Defillama

Stacks transactions see close to 800,000 monthly transactions for 4 months straight.

Leading up to 2023, Bitcoin L2s took over as a key narrative in crypto, with Stacks' monthly users skyrocketing from 16,000 in November to over 64,000 in December and not dropping below 50,000 ever since, reported by OurNetwork via Signal21.

Source: app.signal21.io


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